haku: @author Davies, A. / yhteensä: 20
viite: 3 / 20
Tekijä:Davies, A.
Fitchett, J.A.
Otsikko:Crossing culture: a multi-method enquiry into consumer behaviour and the experience of cultural transition
Lehti:Journal of Consumer Behaviour
2004 : JUN, VOL. 3:4, p. 315-330
Asiasana:Cluster analysis
Consumer behaviour
Vapaa asiasana:Multimethod study
Tiivistelmä:The article reports a two-stage multi-method study that examines how visitorsÂ’ consumer behaviour and use of material possessions influence resolution of cultural fracture during periods of cultural transition. Analysis showed that nationality is a poor indicator of crossing-culture experience. With a six typology model of cultural fracture cluster groups could be identified which varied by consumer behaviour and possession use. The ethno consumerist study illustrates that consumer related activities and possession used together provide an important resource that visitors can use to make sense of crossing-culture experiences. The paper also discusses some of the potential benefits of multi-method research in this context.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 257569
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