haku: @indexterm SOCIAL WELFARE / yhteensä: 200
viite: 37 / 200
Tekijä:Campbell, D.
Craven, B.
Lawler, K.
Otsikko:Social welfare, positivism and business ethics
Lehti:Business ethics: a European review
2002 : JUL, VOL. 11:3, p. 268-281
Vapaa asiasana:POSITIVISM
Tiivistelmä:It appears that there is an ever-present conflict running through business ethics between profits to shareholders and the cost of entrepreneurial activities on wider stakeholders. Welfare economics has a long history of trying to resolve similar conflicts and the authors have used the values judgments adopted in welfare economics as the starting point for this paper. The authors will expressly state a set of value judgments and offer, in a positivist framework, a generalised and specific function of social welfare.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 234971
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