haku: @indexterm price theory / yhteensä: 201
viite: 11 / 201
Tekijä:Bergin, P. R.
Otsikko:A model of relative national price levels under pricing to market
Lehti:European Economic Review
2003 : JUN, VOL. 47:3, p. 569-586
Asiasana:Price theory
Monetary integration
Price level
Tiivistelmä:The paper proposes an alternative to the Balassa-Samuelson theory of how relative price levels between countries are determined. The theory is a general equilibrium formulation of a model where pricing to market arises endogenously from firm decisions. It differs from Balassa-Samuelson in that it centers on the distinction between segmented national goods market rather than the distinction between traded and nontraded goods.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 250917
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