haku: @indexterm CASH MANAGEMENT / yhteensä: 201
viite: 17 / 201
Tekijä:Ferreira, M. A.
Vilela, A. S.
Otsikko:Why do firms hold cash? Evidence from EMU countries
Lehti:European Financial Management
2004 : JUN, VOL. 10:2, p. 295-319
Asiasana:Agency theory
Cash management
Corporate governance
European Monetary System
Tiivistelmä:The determinants of corporate cash holdings in EMU countries are investigated. The findings indicate that cash holdings are positively affected by the investment opportunity set and cash flows and negatively affected by asset's liquidity, leverage and size. Bank debt and cash holdings are negatively related, which supports that a close relationship with banks allows the company to hold less cash for precautionary reasons.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 257043
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