haku: @journal_id 8 / yhteensä: 202
viite: 72 / 202
Tekijä:Fisek, M.
Berger, J.
Norman, R.
Otsikko:Evaluations and the formation of expectations
Lehti:American Journal of Sociology
1995 : NOV, VOL. 101:3, p. 721-746
Tiivistelmä:This article presents a theoretical formulation that integrates two theories within the expectation states theory and source theory. The integration is carried out within the mathematical framework of status characteristics theory, and the mathematical formulation that is an integral part of that theory is extended. The formulation makes it possible to explain and describe the power and prestige order where actors are discriminated by status characteristics and at the same time are communicating evaluations of each others' performances.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 142331
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