haku: @journal_id 8 / yhteensä: 202
viite: 50 / 202
Tekijä:Rao, H.
Otsikko:Caveat Emptor: the construction of nonprofit consumer watch-dog organizations
Lehti:American Journal of Sociology
1998 : JAN, VOL. 103:4, p. 912-961
Tiivistelmä:This article investigates how new organizational forms are constituted as cultural objects. Since new organizational forms jeopardize existing interests, institutional entrepreneurs recombine prevalent cultural materials to frame the form as necessary, valid, and appropriate. When rival entrepreneurs promote incompatible frames, the frame that enjoys greater political support from the state, professions, and other organizations becomes ascendant. Proponents of losing frames can exit, migrate, or convert to the ascendant frame.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 178300
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