haku: @indexterm Case Studies / yhteensä: 2021
viite: 290 / 2021
Tekijä:Longo, M.
Mariani, M.M.
Mura, M.
Otsikko:The effect of intellectual capital attributes on organizational performance. The case of the Bologna Opera House
Lehti:Knowledge management research & practice
2009 : DEC, VOL. 7:4, p. 365-376
Asiasana:performance management
arts management
intellectual capital
organizational performance
case studies
Tiivistelmä:This study proposes to model how intellectual capital (IC) attributes affect the performance of organizations in the performing arts sector, more specifically opera companies. This paper aims especially to 1. to analyze the role IC plays in performing arts organizations, and 2. to propose research hypotheses suggesting how IC affects the performance of these organizations. An in-depth qualitative approach is used. A longitudinal case study is performed in a major Italian opera house. The main findings: 1. the identification of six attributes of IC which are deeply grounded in management theories, making the definition of the IC construct more theoretically robust as to other studies that are less evidence-based, 2. the development of a model showing how IC attributes affect the three different performance dimensions of performing arts organizations.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 269066
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