haku: @indexterm Population / yhteensä: 203
viite: 9 / 203
Tekijä:Nunez-Nickel, M.
Moyano-Fuentes, J.
Otsikko:New size measurements in population ecology
Lehti:Small business economics
2006 : FEB, VOL. 26:1, p. 61-81
Tiivistelmä:This paper deals with the analysis of the impact of competition (here as: cmp.)btw. populations (as: popl./popls.) by developing new cmp. measurements (as: mrms.) focusing on the importance of organizational (as: org-al.) size. The application of these mrms. in the case of cmp. btw. org-al. subforms in a popl., and their impact on mortality rates, demonstrate their usefulness for modelling cmp. The results show especially how levels of cmp. btw. firms in a popl. can be more clearly analyzed when the rival popl. mass or concentration indices are used.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 265404
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