haku: @indexterm Population / yhteensä: 203
viite: 6 / 203
Tekijä:Ilonszki, G. (ed.)
Otsikko:Introduction: A Europe integrated and united - but still diverse?
Lehti:Europe-Asia Studies
2009 : AUG, VOL. 61:6, p. 913-919
Asiasana:European Union
Vapaa asiasana:identities
Tiivistelmä:This introduction presents the contents of the Special Issue on 'Perceptions of the European Union in the new member states. A comparative perspective'. The Special issue contents as follows:

"History Matters: Dimensions and Determinants of National Identities among European Populations and Elites" by H. Best, p. 921-941 ;
"Identity and Representation in the Perceptions of Political Elites and Public Opinion: A Comparison between Southern and Post-Communist Central-Eastern Europe" by M. Jerez-Mir (et al.), p. 943-966 ;
"Threat Perception and European Identity Building: The Case of Elites in Belgium, Germany, Lithuania and Poland" by I. Matonyte (et al.), p. 967-985 ;
"The Nation State and the EU in the Perceptions of Political and Economic Elites: The Case of Serbia in Comparative Perspective" by M. Lazic (et al.), p. 987-1001 ;
"Explaining the Attitudes of Parliamentarians towards European Integration in Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia: Party Affiliation, 'Left-Right' Self-placement or Country Origin?" by S. Nezi (et al.), p. 1003-1020 ;
" Identity Formation of Elites in Old and New Member States (with a Special Focus on the Czech Elite)" by Z. Mansfeldova (et al.), p. 1021-1040 ;
"National Discontent and EU Support in Central and Eastern Europe" by G. Ilonszki, p. 1041-1057 ;
"Elites' Pragmatic and Symbolic Views about European Integration" by G. Lengyel (et al.), p. 1059-1077.

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