haku: @indexterm unemployment duration / yhteensä: 21
viite: 2 / 21
Tekijä:Graversen, B.K.
Ours, J.C. van
Otsikko:How to help unemployed find jobs quickly: Experimental evidence from a mandatory activation program
Lehti:Journal of Public Economics
2008 : OCT, VOL. 92:10-11, p. 2020-2035
Asiasana:labour markets
unemployment duration
unemployment insurance
experiment design
Nordic countries
Tiivistelmä:This paper explores how the job finding rate of unemployed workers is affected by a mandatory activation program (herein as: a-p.) in Denmark. The a-p. was introduced in an experimental setting with about half of the workers becoming unemployed during the period of Nov 2005 - Mar 2006 were randomly assigned to the program. The a-p. seems to be very effective. The median unemployment duration of the control group is 14 weeks, while it is 11.5 weeks for the treatment group. It is shown that the job finding rate in the treatment group is 30 percent higher than in the control group. This result is largely driven by the more intensive contacts btw. the unemployed and the public employment service.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 274686
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