haku: @indexterm Media research / yhteensä: 210
viite: 55 / 210
Tekijä:Barker, M.
Otsikko:Assessing the "quality" in the qualitative research: the case of text-audience relations
Lehti:European Journal of Communication
2003 : SEP, VOL. 18:3, p. 315-335
Media research
Qualitative research
Tiivistelmä:In many recent works on methodology for media and communication studies contributions from cultural studies qualitative investigations have been sought, in particular for their contribution to our understanding of media texts. But from this emerges a problem. While their discussions reference the characteristic measures of validity for quantitative research, no equivalent measures of the strength of qualitative research have yet emerged. This article draws on David Silverman's work to formulate a number of proposals to remedy this gap.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 248566
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