haku: @indexterm Financial forecasting / yhteensä: 210
viite: 6 / 210
Tekijä:DeFond, M. L.
Hung, M.
Otsikko:An empirical analysis of analysts' cash flow forecasts
Lehti:Journal of Accounting & Economics
2003 : APR, VOL. 35:1, p. 73-100
Asiasana:Cash flow
Financial forecasting
Tiivistelmä:The authors find that analysts tend to forecast cash flows for firms where accounting, operating and financing characteristics suggest that cash flows are useful in interpreting earnings and assessing firm viability. Specifically, they find that analysts tend to forecast cash flows for firms with (1) large accruals, (2) more heterogeneous accounting choices relative to their industry peers, (3) high earnings volatility, (4) high capital intensity, and (5) poor financial health. These findings are consistent with financial analysts responding to market-based incentives to provide market participants with value-relevant information.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 251517
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