haku: @indexterm GEARING / yhteensä: 211
viite: 108 / 211
Tekijä:Fredrick, S.E.
Otsikko:Tapping the hidden value of your assets
Lehti:Management Accounting (New York)
1990 : MAR, VOL. LXXI:9, p. 28-31, 34
Tiivistelmä:Review of how company real estate and fixed assets can be turned into cash through a sale leaseback or used in leveraged transactions as local collateral. Valuing businesses. Dividend discount model. Sale-leasebacks in leveraged transactions and advantages. Disadvantages. Structure. Characteristics of an operating lease. Mortgage financing. Fixed assets as collateral. Financing the deal. Three Tables illustrate the study. A Box outlines use of sale-leaseback by a supermarket chain.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 79307
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