haku: @indexterm INVESTMENT / yhteensä: 2128
viite: 49 / 2128
Tekijä:Angelopoulou, E.
Gibson, H.D.
Otsikko:The balance sheet channel of monetary policy transmission: Evidence from the United Kingdom
2009 : OCT, VOL. 76:304, p. 675-703
Asiasana:monetary policy
United Kingdom
Tiivistelmä:Using a panel of manufacturing firms in the United Kingdom (U.K.) to deal with the existence of a balance sheet channel, this paper examines the cash flow sensitivity (henceforth as: c-f-s.) of investment. Furthermore, it is examined the extent to which investment becomes more sensitive to cash flow in monetary tightness periods (herein as: m-t-prs.) by using a narrative indicator built for the U.K. It is found that c-f-s. in financially constrained firms is higher during m-t-prs. and that financial constraints deteriorate with financial market sophistication.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 272546
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