haku: @indexterm central Europe / yhteensä: 213
viite: 72 / 213
Tekijä:Aggestam, M.
Otsikko:Corporate governance and capital groups in Poland
Lehti:Journal for East European Management Studies (JEEMS)
2004 : VOL 9:4, p. 367-390
Asiasana:Corporate governance
Transition economies
Central Europe
Tiivistelmä:In Poland, major changes in corporate governance (hereafter as: c-g.) has been brought by the process of systemic change. The enforcement of new laws has created a culture of compliance shaping capital groups (hereafter as: cap-gs.) and the management ethos of the cap-gs. It is argued that the Polish versions of cap-gs. are markedly different from their Western counterparts. This paper aims to discuss c-g. structures within cap-gs. from their transformation, institutionalization contingencies. Describing current forms of cap-gs., the focus is on c-g. issues illustrated by two cap-gs. Building on the Weimer-Pape (1999) framework, a taxonomy is proposed contrasting c-g. in Poland with other economic systems.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 259128
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