haku: @indexterm Network analysis / yhteensä: 213
viite: 24 / 213
Tekijä:Peppard, J.
Rylander, A.
Otsikko:From value chain to value network: insights for mobile operators
Lehti:European Management Journal
2006 : APR-JUN, VOL 24:2-3, p. 128-141
mobile phones
strategic analysis
new economy
network analysis
Vapaa asiasana:value chain
value network
Tiivistelmä:Although value chain analysis is widely used in strategic analysis, it is underpinned by a certain value creating logic and its application results in certain strategic postures. An alternative perspective is a network approach, which is more suited for New Economy organizations. This article presents the value network concept, illustrates its value creating logic, and presents Network Value Analysis (NVA) as a means to analyse competitive ecosystems. The provision of mobile services and content is examined to recognize potential strategic implications for mobile operators.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 261942
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