haku: @indexterm Electricity industry / yhteensä: 214
viite: 64 / 214
Tekijä:Ghobadian, A.
Viney, H.
Otsikko:Issues in strategic investment in the global electric utility industry
Lehti:SAM Advanced Management Journal
2000 : AUTUMN, VOL. 65:4, p. 12-18
Asiasana:Foreign investment
Electricity industry
United Kingdom
Vapaa asiasana:FDI
Tiivistelmä:Between 1995 and 1998, U.S. electric utility companies invested heavily in utilities overseas, especially in the United Kingdom. Subsequently, however, a number of these takeovers came wholly or partially undone. A closer look shows that some of the underlying assumptions prompting them were in error. Nevertheless, the gradual liberalization of global markets undoubtedly creates opportunities that may succeed in the future.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 216828
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