haku: @indexterm International trade / yhteensä: 2170
viite: 45 / 2170
Tekijä:Waddington, J.
Otsikko:The trade union merger process in Europe: defensive adjustment or strategic reform?
Lehti:Industrial Relations Journal
2006 : NOV, VOL. 37:6, p. 630-651
Asiasana:industrial relations
international trade
labour markets
labour supply
trade unions
European Union
Tiivistelmä:In most Member States of the European Union (EU), trade (here as: tr.) unionists are reforming tr. union structures through engaging in the merger process (as: m-proc). This study charts the scale of the m-proc. since 2000, identifying the key features of the unions resulting from it. The outcome of the m-proc. is assessed by reference to aspects of tr. union purpose. While much of the m-proc. is shown to be defensive, particular mergers are highlighted as comprising features.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 263837
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