haku: @freeterm redistribution / yhteensä: 22
viite: 14 / 22
Tekijä:Schroyen, F.
Otsikko:Redistributive taxation and the household: the case of individual filings
Lehti:Journal of Public Economics
2003 : OCT, VOL. 87:11, p. 2527-2547
Asiasana:Income tax
Vapaa asiasana:Redistribution
Tax arbitrage
Household production
Tiivistelmä:In this paper the author looks at the tax treatment of households under individual filings and characterises the efficiency properties of an income tax schedule that redistributes from rich to poor households. The main conclusion is that the prevention of tax arbitrage imposes structure on the graduation of the tax schedule.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 253204
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