haku: @indexterm SPONSORSHIP / yhteensä: 222
viite: 39 / 222
Tekijä:McNicholas, B.
Otsikko:Arts, culture and business: a relationship transformation, a nascent field
Lehti:International Journal of Arts Management
2004 : FALL, VOL. 7:1, p. 57-69
Business economics
Tiivistelmä:The arts and business relationship has changed dramatically in the last decade. There has been a shift away from government funding ib many countries, and arts and cultural organizations have become increasinglybusiness and marketing focused in their approach to funding and management.Postmodern influences have led toa major paradign shift in consumer and business values and behaviour, and this is reflected in business mission statements and strategies.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 256851
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