haku: @indexterm Industrial organization / yhteensä: 223
viite: 29 / 223
Tekijä:Schilling, M. A.
Steensma, H. K.
Otsikko:The use of modular organizational forms: an industry-level analysis
Lehti:Academy of Management Journal
2001 : DEC, VOL. 44:6, p. 1149-1168
Asiasana:Human resource management
Organizational structure
Industrial organization
Tiivistelmä:The authors use the logic of general systems modularity to explain why in some industries there is a greater use of modular organizational forms, including contract manufacturing, alternative work arrangements, and alliances, than in other industries. This model is testing using data from 330 U.S. manufacturing industries.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 232447
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