haku: @indexterm MULTINATIONAL COMPANIES / yhteensä: 2251
viite: 369 / 2251
Tekijä:Agmon, T.
Otsikko:Who gets what: the MNE, the national state and the distributional effects of globalization
Lehti:Journal of International Business Studies
2003 : SEP, VOL. 34:5, p. 416-427
Game theory
Multinational companies
Case studies
Opportunity costs
Tiivistelmä:Globalization is the outcome of the interface between national states and MNEs. National states are trying to generate as much welfare for their residents as they can, while MNEs try to maximize their value. This creates a bargaining situation. A stylized game theory model is presented and discussed, in order to gain insights into the income distributional effects of the globalization process. A case study of the negotiation between the State of Israel and Intel is presented as an illustration.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 254444
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