haku: @indexterm SHOPPING / yhteensä: 226
viite: 64 / 226
Tekijä:Walters, R.G.
Jamil, M.
Otsikko:Exploring the relationships between shopping trip type, purchases of products on promotion, and shopping basket profit
Lehti:Journal of Business Research
2003 : JAN, VOL. 56:1, p. 17-29
Asiasana:Consumer behaviour
Retail pricing
Tiivistelmä:Marketing practitioners and scholars have long been interested in how different types of shopping trips influence consumer search and purchase behaviour. The reliance of retailers on price specials to influence economic performance means gaining knowledge about linkages between shopping trip type and the consumer response to price specials is important. This study examines how major shopping trips, fill-in shopping trips and shopping primarily for price specials are associated with consumer specials search, purchases of price specials, coupon redemption, and retailer shopping basket profitability.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 253272
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