haku: @indexterm shopping / yhteensä: 226
viite: 44 / 226
Tekijä:Wood, M.
Otsikko:Discretionary unplanned buying in consumer society
Lehti:Journal of Consumer Behaviour
2005 : JUN, VOL 4:4, p. 268-281
Asiasana:Consumer behaviour
Consumer satisfaction
Tiivistelmä:This paper addresses a disjunction btw. consumer behaviour discourse about 'impulse buying' (here as: i-buying.) and the reality of shopper behaviour in contemporary marketing and retail environments, by revising the concept of unplanned buying. 'Discretionary unplanned buying' is distinguished from i-buying. and is argued to be part of the core meaning of a 'consumer society'. Consumers buy goods and services without prior planning. It is suggested that such purchases account for a significant portion of the excitement and the 'hedonic' satisfaction received by consumers from consumption purchases.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 258605
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