haku: @indexterm shopping / yhteensä: 226
viite: 43 / 226
Tekijä:Stevens, L.
Maclaran, P.
Otsikko:Exploring the 'shopping imaginary': The dreamworld of women's magazines
Lehti:Journal of Consumer Behaviour
2005 : JUN, VOL 4:4, p. 282-292
Asiasana:Consumer behaviour
Consumer attitudes
Vapaa asiasana:Magazines
Tiivistelmä:This paper explores how women's magazines function as 'dreamworlds' of shopping (here as: sh-ing.) and how contemporary readers consume these imaginary sh-ing. spaces. As to illustrate what the authors term the 'shopping imaginary', it is drawn on findings from a study of women's experiential consumption of magazines, which show the multifaceted ways around which imaginary consumption is explored and enjoyed by women. The study suggests that women's magazines, like department stores, are spaces facilitating just looking and browsing, and addressing the power of the imagination within them.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 258606
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