haku: @indexterm shopping / yhteensä: 226
viite: 42 / 226
Tekijä:Dodd, C.A.
Linaker, A.
Grigg, N.P.
Otsikko:He's gotta have it: Shopping dependence and the homosexual male clothing consumer
Lehti:Journal of Consumer Behaviour
2005 : SEP, VOL 4:5, p. 374-389
Asiasana:Consumer behaviour
Vapaa asiasana:Sexual orientation
Tiivistelmä:This paper explores shopping dependence in the context of fashion clothing consumption. Male consumers are considered, with sexual orientation employed as an indicator of behaviour. Data from a survey of 225 homosexual (here as: gay) and 225 heterosexual (here as: htr.) U.K. males suggest that gay males display clothes shopping dependence, and at a level that is significantly stronger than for htr. males. Younger males show a greater tendency to display such behaviour, with dependence declining with age for both groups.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 259118
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