haku: @indexterm shopping / yhteensä: 226
viite: 41 / 226
Tekijä:Yu, H.
Littrell, M.A.
Otsikko:Tourists' shopping orientations for handcrafts: What are key influences?
Lehti:Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing
2005 : VOL. 18:4, p. 1-19
Asiasana:Consumer behaviour
Craft industry
Tiivistelmä:This article analyses the key factors that influence tourists' shopping orientations for handcrafts. Mail survey method was used to collect information of the effects of shopping value, attitude toward shopping experiences and demographical influence on tourists' shopping orientations. Results of multiple regression analysis indicate that demographical factors such as sex, age, education and income were related to tourists's shopping orientations.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 259694
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