haku: @indexterm shopping / yhteensä: 226
viite: 39 / 226
Tekijä:Larson, J.S.
Bradlow, E.T.
Fader, P.S.
Otsikko:An exploratory look at supermarket shopping paths
Lehti:International Journal of Research in Marketing
2005 : DEC, VOL. 22:4, p. 395-414
consumer behaviour
Tiivistelmä:This study presents analyses of an extraordinary new dataset revealing the path taken by individual shoppers in an actual grocery store, as provided by radio frequency identification (RFID) tags on their shopping carts. A multivariate clustering algorithm is used enabling to handle data sets with unique and numerous spatial constraints. The resulting three sets of clusters identify a total of 14 "canonical path types" typical of grocery store travel. These results dispel certain myths about shopper travel behaviour that common intuition perpetuates, incl. behaviour related to aisles, end-cap displays, and the "racetrack". The study results are briefly related to previous research.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 260157
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