haku: @indexterm wealth / yhteensä: 229
viite: 96 / 229
Tekijä:Oatley, T.
Nabors, R.
Otsikko:Redistributive cooperation: market failure, wealth transfers, and the Basle accord
Lehti:International Organization
1998 : WINTER, VOL. 52:1, p. 35-54
Tiivistelmä:Theories of international institutions have focused almost exclusively on considerations of efficiency. Ethan Kapstein's treatment of the 1987 Basle Accord is representative. This article challenges Kapstein's account of international capital adequacy regulation, and by extension the joint gains emphasis and functional logic of the theories of cooperation on which it is based, by suggesting that the Basle Accord is an instance of redistributive cooperation: the creation of an international institution that intentionally reduces at least one other government's welfare compared to the status quo.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 173341
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