haku: @author Mikeln, P. / yhteensä: 23
viite: 4 / 23
Tekijä:Mikeln, P.
Otsikko:Lean production - le moda ali kaj resnejsega?
Lehti:Organizacija in kadri
1993 : VOL. 26:6, p. 428-443
Vapaa asiasana:production, production management,
development, innovative management, EDI
Tiivistelmä:The contribution at the beginning resumes development tendencies in the field of production management in the last decade.By this it is determined that central attention is directed to as economical use balanced cpmplex of all production resources as possible.The primary emphasis is therefore not on partial optimizing of individual resource use but all efforts are intended in direction of defining enough consistent complex system of relevant resources and only then follows searching of total optimum for them.Such an approach requires, of course, quite a high number of mutually dependent and connected decisions. Restriction that must be by such decisions considered, comes only partially from the studied system itself, while important part of them from the environment itself (other companies, social communities, export, etc.).To decide rationally and consider both mentioned restrictions in all phases of production process ( that is by: planning, designing, performing, controlling) the following must be ensured: _ intraorganizational EDI that enables and supports respectively consideration of "internal" restrictions and precautions; _ interorganizational EDI oriented into system environment.It is obvious that cited levels of EDI are very difficult to distinguish, as they in some cases more and in the others less intermingle and even support each other.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 118722
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