haku: @indexterm SERVICE MARKETING / yhteensä: 230
viite: 41 / 230
Tekijä:Dinan, C.
Otsikko:Social marketing and sustainable tourism - is there a match?
Lehti:International Journal of Tourism Research
2000 : JAN-FEB, VOL. 2:1, p. 1-14
Tourist industry
Service marketing
Social environment
United Kingdom
Tiivistelmä:This paper argues that the tools and techniques of social marketing may have much to offer tourism organisations seeking a more sustainable approach to their market. This conclusion is based on the findings of s survey of 540 visitors to the South West of England that revealed a link between key behavioural motivations and the degree of sustainability motivations and the degree of sustainability exhibited.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 202386
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