haku: @indexterm Service marketing / yhteensä: 230
viite: 17 / 230
Tekijä:Orth, U.R.
Holancova, D.
Otsikko:Men's and women's responses to sex role portrayals in advertisements
Lehti:International Journal of Research in Marketing
2004 : MAR, VOL. 21:1, p. 77-88
Service marketing
Consumer behaviour
Czech Republic
Tiivistelmä:The paper examines consumer response to magazine advertisements for a cell phone service in the Czech Republic. Selected stimuli characterize female (hereafter as: f.) and male (here as: m.) models in an occupational (here as: occup.) and in a non-occup. setting. The empirical results indicate that f. and m. consumers exhibit significantly different emotional and attitudinal reactions measured in terms of disapproval, approval, and surprise, attitude toward the ad, brand attitude, and purchase intention. Both sexes respond most favourably to exclusive portrayals of their own gender. In addition, f. exhibit the least favourable reactions to advertisements featuring f. models in roles superiour to m. Across genders, responses are significantly affected by consumers' a priori attitude towards the sex role portrayal issue.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 254529
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