haku: @indexterm Crime / yhteensä: 230
viite: 25 / 230
Tekijä:Huck, S.
Kosfeld, M.
Otsikko:The dynamics of neighbourhood watch and norm enforcement
Lehti:Economic Journal
2007 : JAN, VOL. 117:516, p. 270-286
Asiasana:public policy
Vapaa asiasana:neighbourhoods
Tiivistelmä:In this paper, a dynamic model of neighbourhood watch schemes (hereafter as: n-w-shs.) is proposed. While the state chooses punishment (here as: pmt./pmts.) levels, apprehension of criminals depends on the watchfulness of citizens. Contrary to standard intuition, it is shown that crime levels can increase in pmts. This is due to that n-w-shs. can fall victim to their own success if recruitment of new members is driven by fear of crime. Along with the discussion of the policy implications of this result, it is shown how it extends to the more general problem of norm enforcement among interacting citizens.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 263372
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