haku: @indexterm Crime / yhteensä: 230
viite: 15 / 230
Tekijä:Rosenfeld, R.
Messner, S.F.
Otsikko:The crime drop in comparative perspective: The impact of the economy and imprisonment on American and European burglary rates
Lehti:British Journal of Sociology
2009 : SEP, VOL. 60:3, p. 445-471
Tiivistelmä:Researches have revealed a drop in crime rates in the USA and in Europe. This study suggests that the USA and European crime declines occurred in tandem because they were both brought about by upturns in the economy. This study also examines the possibility that rising imprisonment rates reduced European crime rates. These hypotheses are tested in a pooled cross-sectional time-series analysis of burglary rates in the USA and in nine European nations between 1993 and 2006. The findings reveal that burglary declines in the US and Europe were associated with rising consumer confidence. Imprisonment appears to be significantly related to burglary rates only after unusual policy interventions. These findings are interpreted as reflecting the structural similarity and economic integration of the world's developed nations and the uneven convergence in US and European punishment policies.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 271235
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