haku: @indexterm MIDDLE EAST / yhteensä: 236
viite: 28 / 236
Tekijä:Sanayei, A.
Shad, A. A.
Otsikko:Suggestions on the successful management of IT projects: Middle East market, IT & ICT software scene
Lehti:Journal of international marketing and marketing research
2006 : OCT, VOL. 31:3, p. 141-157
Asiasana:information technology
Middle East
project management
Tiivistelmä:This paper discusses the definition of management of IT projects, its success and failure, and takes a look at the latest alternatives for companies which have experienced the ensuring maximum success before, during and after the project. 15 essential steps are presented which have an effect on effective IT project management
SCIMA tietueen numero: 262447
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