haku: @indexterm Product differentiation / yhteensä: 236
viite: 17 / 236
Tekijä:Karlsson, C.
Sköld, M.
Otsikko:Counteracting forces in multi-branded product platform development
Lehti:Creativity and innovation management
2007 : VOL. 16:2, p. 133-141
product differentiation
Tiivistelmä:The paper discusses multi-branded product platforms that represent a promising and challenging strategy to companies striving to get beyond possible economics of scale and scope within a single organization and brand. The aim of multi-branded platforms is to develop financial synergies by combining assets across several brands and product programmes. This study is based on a longitudinal field study using a clinical research approach in a global multi-product, multi-branded industrial group. The findings explore two opposite forces counteracting the purpose of multi-branded platforms: the development of common product architecture and product differentiation.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 264610
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