haku: @indexterm Product differentiation / yhteensä: 236
viite: 16 / 236
Tekijä:Shuili, D.
Bhattacharya, C.B
Sankar, S.
Otsikko:Reaping relational rewards from corporate social responsibility: The role of competitive positioning
Lehti:International Journal of Research in Marketing
2007 : SEP, VOL. 24:3 pp. 224-241
Asiasana:corporate responsibility
product differentiation
Vapaa asiasana:advocacy
Tiivistelmä:This study investigates the moderating effect of the extent to which a brandÂ’s social initiatives are integrated into its competitive positioning on consumer reactions to CSR. The authors find that positive CSR beliefs held by consumers are associcated not only with better purchase likelihood but also with longer-term loyalty and advocacy behaviors. More importantly, they found that not all CSR initiatives are made equiavalent: a brand that positions itself on CSR, integrating its CSR strategy with its core business strategy is more likely than brands that only engage in CSR to reap a range of CSR-specific benefits in the consumer domain.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 266287
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