haku: @indexterm SAFETY / yhteensä: 240
viite: 18 / 240
Tekijä:Virkki, T.
Otsikko:The art of pacifying an aggressive client: ‘Feminine’ skills and preventing violence in caring work
Lehti:Gender, Work and Organization
2008 : JAN, VOL. 15:1, p. 72-87
occupational safety
health service
Vapaa asiasana:emotional habitus
social work
Tiivistelmä:The idea of this paper is to discuss the relation between gender, emotional skills (hereafter as ES) and occupational violence. The particular case analyzed is based on interviews with Finnish nurses and social workers and their writings. The author used the concept emotional habitus to analyze the social formation of ES. An analysis of the research material indicates that the employees in caring work do not perceive themselves as passive victims of violent behavior, but as able to negotiate violence actively by virtue of their ES. They also consider ES as a part of the professionalism in caring occupations instead of the emotional capabilities of women in general.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 267653
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