haku: @indexterm Stock options / yhteensä: 242
viite: 31 / 242
Tekijä:Ekholm, A.
Pasternack, D.
Otsikko:The negative news threshold - An explanation for negative skewness in stock returns
Lehti:European Journal of Finance
2005 : DEC, VOL. 11:6, p. 511-529
Asiasana:stock options
stock returns
stock exchanges
Nordic countries
Tiivistelmä:This paper deals with the issue of negative skewness (hereafter as: neg-skew.) from a different angle to previous studies by combining the Trueman's 1997 model of management disclosure practices with symmetric market responses to explain neg-skew. in stock returns (here as: s-rets). Empirical tests reveal that s-rets. for days when non-scheduled news items are disclosed are the source of neg-skew. in s-rets., as predicted. These findings suggest that neg-skew. in s-rets. is induced by asymmetries in the news disclosure policies of firm management. In addition, it is found that the s-rets. are negatively skewed only for non-scheduled firm-Specific news disclosures for firms where the management is compensated with stock options.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 260012
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