haku: @indexterm Stock options / yhteensä: 242
viite: 30 / 242
Tekijä:Arya, A.
Mittendorf, B.
Otsikko:Offering stock options to gauge managerial talent
Lehti:Journal of Accounting & Economics
2005 : DEC, VOL. 40:1-3, p. 189-210
executive remuneration
stock options
Tiivistelmä:This article aims to prove that besides the normal reasons for the use of stock options such as the motivation and retention of employees, stock options also prove efficient in matching managerial pay to ability. According to the author, since both the likelihood of option exercise and company value in the event of exercise are tied to managerial ability, only a competent manager would take such a gamble.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 261276
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