haku: @indexterm Stock options / yhteensä: 242
viite: 25 / 242
Tekijä:Ikäheimo, S.
Kuosa, N.
Puttonen, V.
Otsikko:'The true and fair view' of executive stock option valuation
Lehti:European Accounting Review
2006 : VOL. 15:3, p. 351-366
Asiasana:accounting standards
auditing standards
stock options
Tiivistelmä:This study compares the market values (here as: vals.) of executive stock option (ESO) trades with their Black & Scholes (1973) model vals. calculated following the major accounting standards SFAS No.123r and IFRS2. Major underpricing is shown compared to the traditional B & S method vals. which should be considered while applying SFAS No. 123r and IFRS2 for estimating fair vals. Especially time to expiration has a major influence on the undervaluation suggesting that the possibility of a corporate structure change lowers the cost of ESOs to shareholders.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 263767
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