haku: @indexterm reliability / yhteensä: 243
viite: 60 / 243
Tekijä:Lenk, P.
Rao, A.
Otsikko:Transition times: distributions arising from time heterogeneous Poisson processes
Lehti:Management Science
1995 : JUL, VOL. 41:7, p. 1117-1129
Tiivistelmä:The units of a heterogeneous population are subjected to shocks. A unit fails, or more generally, undergoes a change of state after a sufficient number of shocks. The shocks for a particular unit are assumed to arrive according to a time heterogeneous Poisson process. The time to a change of state, the transition time, for the unit has a generalized "gamma" distribution. The authors assume that the intensity of the Poisson process and the number of shocks until the change of state vary independently across the units.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 142254
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