haku: @indexterm Market forecasting / yhteensä: 243
viite: 29 / 243
Tekijä:Zhou, Hongchun
Otsikko:The profit-making point of environmental protection market (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Economy and Information (c)
1999 : 3, p.36-37
Tiivistelmä:Investment demands for the environmental protection industry in China are as follows: comprehensive tackling of water pollution, tackling of air pollution, comprehensive tackling of ecological environment and disposal of solid wastes in cities, etc. Therefore, a national environmental protection market of 100 billion yuan will come into being by the year 200. It is estimated that will constitute 1.3 percent of GDP . Meanwhile, it is estimated that the energy consumption in 2020 will amount to 180 million tons of standard coal. In the production and consumption of coal, simply the desulphurization market of and dust removing equipment is great, in addition to energy service and advanced combustion technology industry. Focal points of the environmental protection industry in the future include: atmosphere environment, water environment; solid wastes and so on.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 197456
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