haku: @indexterm HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS / yhteensä: 243
viite: 49 / 243
Tekijä:Jalas, M.
Otsikko:The everyday life context of increasing energy demands: time use survey data in a decomposition analysis
Lehti:Journal of industrial ecology
2005 : WINTER/SPRING, VOL. 9:1-2, p. 129-145
Household economics
Input-output analysis
Vapaa asiasana:Industrial ecology
Decomposition analysis
Tiivistelmä:This article provides a time use approach to assess the consumption expenditures and energy requirements of households analyzing Finnish patterns of energy consumption during the 1990s. The results show that both the patterns of time use and the energy intensities of the activities have changed over this period. It is found that although same activities require increasing energy inputs per unit of time, the structure of everyday life of Finns has still changed toward less energy-intensive activities.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 258586
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