haku: @indexterm Public services / yhteensä: 243
viite: 30 / 243
Tekijä:Forssell, A.
Norén, L.
Otsikko:Konkurrens på likvärdiga villkor på offentliga marknader
Lehti:Nordiske organisasjons studier
2006 : VOL. 8:1, p. 7-30
health service
public services
Tiivistelmä:From the 1990s and onwards the market has increasingly been used to organize the provision of public key services like health care, education and social services. An important point of departure of the Swedish public procurement act that regulates markets is to assure that no provider is discriminated in the procurement process. This paper explores how is this anti-discrimination rule realised by purchases in markets. The conclusion is that there are deficiencies in the practices developed and used by purchasers (original in Swedish).
SCIMA tietueen numero: 260245
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