haku: @indexterm HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS / yhteensä: 243
viite: 35 / 243
Tekijä:Peters, G.P.
Hertwich, E.G.
Otsikko:The importance of imports for household environmental impacts
Lehti:Journal of industrial ecology
2006 : SUMMER, VOL. 10:3, p. 89-109
environmental protection
household economics
input-output analysis
Tiivistelmä:With increased international trade, the indirect environmental impacts are difficult to determine because a portion of the emissions occurs in different geographical regions. Many previous studies have unrealistically assumed that imports are produced using domestic production technology. For countries with diverging technology and energy mixes the likely errors are significant. This study applies a methodology that explicitly includes technology differences to the case of Norwegian households. It was found that a significant portion of pollution is embodied in Norwegian household imports.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 264342
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