haku: @indexterm Relationship marketing / yhteensä: 249
viite: 117 / 249
Tekijä:Homburg, C.
Giering, A.
Menon, A.
Otsikko:Relationship characteristics as moderators of the satisfaction-loyalty link: Findings in a business-to-business context
Lehti:Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing
2003 : VOL. 10:3, p. 35-62
Asiasana:Relationship marketing
Consumer behaviour
Tiivistelmä:This paper presents empirical evidence for conditions under which the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty will be stronger or weaker. Drawing on relational exchange theory the authors suggest that the relationship btw. satisfaction and loyalty will be weaker in the case of a highly relational exchange. Empirical findings in an international business-to-business context support this reasoning. The paper provides implications for practice and suggests a set of issues for future research.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 248734
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