haku: @indexterm RELATIONSHIP MARKETING / yhteensä: 249
viite: 33 / 249
Tekijä:Müller, B. (et al.)
Otsikko:The branding impact of brand websites: do newsletters and consumer magazines have a moderating role?
Lehti:Journal of Advertising Research
2008 : SEP, VOL 48:3 p.465-472
customer relations
relationship marketing
Vapaa asiasana:social aspects
Tiivistelmä:The study evaluates the brand website impact on brand opinion and purchase intention. The aim is to offer via internet both growth and loyalty opportunities for brands. The study was made by analysing the companies’ websites and adding richer and more interactive content to develop the customer relationship. The method used is SiteCRM, where the visitors are invited to respond to a survey when leaving the website of a leading French manufacturer’s website in a food industry. Exit invitations were used to preserve the indiscriminateness of the respondents. The survey reveals that the visitors who are satisfied with their overall website experience are more willing to revisit and recommend the site and in turn develop more positive attitudes toward the brand as well as higher purchase intent. In addition the customer relations are stronger if consumers are members of the website email newsletter program or receive the brand consumer magazines.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 268547
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