haku: @indexterm INTERVIEWING / yhteensä: 253
viite: 47 / 253
Tekijä:Nylund, M.
Otsikko:Asking questions, making sound-bites: research reports, interviews and television news stories
Lehti:Discourse studies
2003 : NOV, VOL. 5:4, p. 517-533
Asiasana:Broadcasting industry
Periodicals industry
Television industry
Vapaa asiasana:Questions
Tiivistelmä:This paper introduces a detailed discourse analytic study about the transformation of three social research reports into television news, above all through the reporter-source interview. The focus is on how questions are used to probe responses and explanations and how these are either omitted from or incorporated into the final news stories. By this unique research design the interactional conduct of the reporter-source interview as well as some aspects of question design applied in the interview are described.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 256065
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