haku: @indexterm SEX DISCRIMINATION / yhteensä: 257
viite: 35 / 257
Tekijä:Loury, L. D.
Otsikko:The gender earnings gap among college-educated workers
Lehti:Industrial and Labor Relations Review
1997 : JUL, VOL. 50:4, p. 580-593
Tiivistelmä:This paper uncovers evidence on the extent to which characteristics of college schooling other than number of years affect the relative earnings of men and women. Changes in estimated effects of college grades and college major can account for almost all of the large decline in the gender gap between 1979 and 1986 for young college-educated workers. A small part of the effect was due to changes in the distribution of majors among college-educated women, but most appears to have resulted from growth in the market price of women's skills relative to men's for given major. The growth doesn't mainly result from increases in other observed characteristics. It is consistent with within-occupation demand changes that favored highly educated women.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 161506
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